Why does the older-man/younger-woman preference get no respect?

The knee-jerk response for most women is, "Ewwwwww," But it's considered politically incorrect these days to feel and react that way about gays, lesbians, bi's, transsexuals, cross-dressers, she-males, etc, etc, etc. Look. It isn't even listed here as a part of this group. But the older/younger scene is no less compelling for those who desire it. The world has some growing-up to do in this area.


Oh, and let's not forget the "cougar" version. See what I mean?


Yeah, there is the sugar-daddy/sugar-baby thing. That is simply a practical arrangement. I'm talking about a different sort of legitimate, but still ignored, sexual orientation.

Ghost Wolf2011-11-08T05:21:45Z

Favorite Answer

That's not a sexual orientation. That's at best a flair of heterosexuality, at worst a fetish.

And thank you for trying to drag LGBT through the mud as if people should have knee-jerk reactions to us in the first place.


I dated a couple of older guys at least 10 years older than I. Some were really great, others were horrible about the same as guys I've dated around my age. I don' think the relationship's last because of the difference in thinking, I think older guys like the fact they can still attract older women, but older women are more what they want because they can relate better. Older women who date younger men, those relationships do well because women adjust better to different situations. (as long as they don't try to be a "mom") Just my opinion here, but this was a very good question. Take care.


True love like this I seem to find rare. I dont think thats gross at all, it just always seems to be shes just after money.


people are jealous of the old man who can persuade a young women to be his sweetheart.