How do you teach a young toddler to handle snakes properly?

I have a 2 and a half yr old son and of course living in a house full of snakes hes starting to catch the bug - and wanting to handle and help out with the snakes a lot. Hes really young and gets really excited easily. So my question is to snake owners who have very young children. How do you help your little ones handle the snakes. My concern is that he'll be jerky or frighten or startle the snakes. I'm just nervous letting him Handle them. Any tips?


What an intelligent answer Sarah. No one said anything about letting a child "play with snakes". I said teaching a young child, who lives in a home with his mother who keeps and breeds many snakes and is obviously interested in them, how to handle a snake properly - obviously with constant adult supervision. Im assuming you're probably in the age range of 10-13 years old based on your ridiculous answer.
Here's a tip for you - if your have nothing of any value to add then don't answer my questions...idiot.


Favorite Answer

Hi Rebecca, I wanted to say I'm glad to hear your little brb ate:) after a couple of times in the bag, (or box) he should start to do it easily...

Both of our girls (now 9 & 12) have been handling snakes since they were smallish, (not alone of course.) Pick your calmest snake, the one most easy going, and most easily handleable, and let him handle that one mostly. And just let him learn how they move, how they grip etc... When he wants to hold one, give him that one, and he'll also be more comfortable with him. Maybe even make it "his" snake. My girls grew up with 'inigo montoya', our adult male suriname red tail. (We can't make it "theirs"because my better half won't release claim of it, I bought him for her when we first got together, for the same reason, this trick works on all ages...) Just make sure you watch and help him, and make sure he's comfortable, and it'll happen all on it's own at that age. And make sure it's a calm snake, so it doesn't startle easily if he does jostle him a bit...

Hope this helps...

Beth F2011-11-10T02:28:55Z

When my daughtor was little I never let her hold the snake, for the saifty of her and the snake. She was alowed to sit with me while I held the snake. I taught her how to touch softly, to move slowly, and to avoid the head. Whaite for a time of day when your son is calm. Teach him to talk in a soft quite voice and to move gently and quitly. I would hold off on letting him handle them till he's 4 or 5. Pets are an exclent way to teach a little kid to be soft, gentle, and quite. And they are awesome at teaching older kids responsability. I find that kids that are taught to handle and care for pets young are better behaved that others because they have to learn early to think of others.


dont let her hold the snakes she's to young


You don't teach a little kid to play with snakes?