How did you get through a loved one's severe depression?

My guy has shut me out completely. I am willing to give him the time he needs to get better but I am wondering how other people have handled this situation?

It is hard going from being loved so much to not hearing from him!
How did you handle it?
What made you feel better while waiting?

Thanks for any suggestions or ideas!


Favorite Answer

That's so terrible. I'm sorry. Make sure he knows you are always there for him, if possible. Make sure he knows that no matter what he does you'll always be there for him in the end.

As far as your pain goes, you have to remember that you're not the one going through the pain. He's the one. Welcome him with open arms when he's ready to socialize again.


its not something that will get through by waiting for it to happen. you have to try to tackle it or walk away and dont look back