Do you believe a trinity Jehovah's Witnesses are talking about is the same as Trinity Christians talk about?


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The three headed god that the Jehovah's Witnesses always claim Christendom promotes is NOT the godhead as described biblically. I believe in the Godhead as described in the Bible is God who manifests himself to mankind through Christ Jesus.

Acts 17:29, "Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device."

From this verse we know God is not a graven image like those used by the roman catholic church.

Romans 1:19-20, "Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:"

From these verses we know that God manifested himself in different ways and that creation is a reflection of the Godhead so it can be easily understood.

Because of this we can see the Godhead reflected in many things:

"Isn’t it interesting that the entire physical universe (uni = one) consists of three and only three aspects—space, time, and matter? If you were to take away any of these three, you would no longer have a universe.

■Space consists of length, width, and height—three in one. If you were to take away any of these dimensions, you would no longer have space.
■Time consists of past, present, and future—three in one. If you were to take away any of these aspects, you would no longer have time.
■Matter consists of energy in motion producing phenomena—three in one. If there were no energy there could be no motion or phenomena. If there were no motion, there would be no energy or phenomena. If there were no phenomena, it would be because there was no energy or motion."

In fact, the Bible describes man as a tripart being and says man was created in the image of the Godhead.

1 Thessalonians 5:23, "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Genesis 1:26 (a), "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..."

The physical bodily expression of God is Jesus Christ the Lord:

Colossians 2:9, "For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."

The Bible states without reservation that in Jesus ALL the fulness of the Godhead dwelleth (meaning, continues to dwell) bodily. Wow!

The watchtower continues to teach anti-biblical lies about both the nature of man and the nature of God. They deny that man is a tripart being and they deny Jesus is God. I believe the Bible over any doctrines by any group.

TJ Can't Lose2011-11-12T08:03:35Z

Something you should understand, Nina, if you are truly interested in this subject, is that even those you would call your fellow Christians do not all believe in the same exact Trinity that you do when you get down to specifics. It was these minor differences that caused the Church to break apart in the centuries after the apostles. For example, the Nestorian Church of the East broke away (or was put out) over a relatively small difference in its understanding of God and Jesus, as did the Oriental Orthodox Churches shortly thereafter, and later the Greek Orthodox and Latin Catholic Churches split due largely to how they understand the Trinity, whether the Spirit proceeds also from the Son or not.

Most Christians that believe it only do so in a superficial sort of way, and don't attempt to understand its "mysterious" details, as the more you investigate it, the more logical problems you encounter. Jehovah's Witnesses do NOT try to *exactly* define the Trinity for those who profess belief in it, since even these ones are unable to do so uniformly. But they do explain it in a basic sense that most Trinitarians would agree with, and then compare this with what the Bible has to say on the topic to show how unscriptural it really is.


My parents are Jehovah's Witnesses & they do not believe in any form of the trinity so ,I have no idea what crap your trying to spread about the Jehovah's Witnesses but I will say this they make a lot more sense than you who think people with brains would believe in a trinity .
God is a nonsense , trinity is even more nonsense.


No, they would speak of the trinity that christendom speaks of and they would believe it to be error. They believe it consists of the Father (Jehovah) Jesus (a created god) and the Holy Spirit (God's active force)

Christians believe in a Triune Godhead, the three Persons being co-equal and often being described as a "Trinity" The Father, the Son (Jesus the Christ) and the Holy Spirit.

The same word is used but with totally differing meanings. One which is false and one which is true.


each and every guy or woman i've got met who appeared to be a real believer(properly, in guy or woman) who spoke something on it the two believed(or believes) interior the Trinity, or looks to think of Jesus is the father and Son a minimum of, and each JW i've got met so a strategies does not have confidence God is a trinity. They(JWs) think of the wonderful god is Jehovah, and the single to be honored the main. As for me, i think interior the Trinity.

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