Has "storming the field/court" at the college level become cliche'?

I just saw the student body "storm the field" in West Lafayette after Purdue beat Ohio State.

REALLY? Ohio State?


Hi Sirius! I would try to chat/answer more with you but you spend so much time in R&S! ;)


Favorite Answer

Must be an American thing

Hi JD :D


I think it is a cool tradition in college sports, but to storm the field after beating Ohio State this season kind of is pathetic. Purdue should be embarrased. Storm the field if you actually beat a great team


This used to be very common, but is not as much as in the past.
Years ago when the goal posts were made out of wood the winning team would tear down the goal posts after the game.


Let them have their fun. They don't have victories like that often over in Purdue.