Some information about Aliens?

Ok, I have tried looking on the most part of the internet, found a lot of bull****, a retard saying that they only communicate with their mind, a nutcase saying you should sit on a patch of open grass in your underwear, a catholic saying that the arrival of aliens means the end of the world, a banana making out with another banana, and, quite reasonably, I'm a little p***ed off right now. Now before any of you start typing in that they don't existed, then don't bother typing. If you're a catholic, than trade your internet connection in for a bible. I'm only here for some straight answers. Examples of how to communicate, where do they originate, and any pieces of information that won't p*** me off.


WTF, where do you get off thinking I don't believe in them, and second of all, I belief is spirituality, which doesn't involve paying taxes to the Illuminati...


Dude, how does what you just said even begin to make sense?


You tell me what you think after watching this.


Aurelie d, thank you for being the first to come up with an actual answer.
But if you know of any other information but don't want others to know, please email me at this address:


Betty the Chaser, I know you're new to this whole answering other people, but some advice now: you'll be in a lot of s*** if you insult people, and not just me...


Favorite Answer

There a good and bad aliens. The good ones are in general divided in four humanoid races.

1) The Ariens, coming from Prixus
2) The Orionic races coming from Orion
3) Sirians, coming from Sirius star system
4) Pegasi, coming from the star system Pegasus

These four came from one main star system and were once one race, that star is called Kolob.
Kolob was destroyed million years ago.

The bad ones are semi humaniod, they somehow got their genes mixed up with other species and became evil. It is said that they control several star systems and their planets.


Information About Aliens


Well according to Einstein, you can't travel faster than the speed of light through space. So if there are aliens, it would take them millions (or billions) of years to get here. That being said...

It's interesting how all these people all over the world were being abducted by 'aliens' before they had all the abduction movies and books and what not. Plus they all had the same story, and these people didn't even know each other. They weren't just making it up, since their stories match up.

Funny you mention a Catholic and the end of the world. I wonder what Bible he was reading... not the one I do. But people are always looking for something that's a little mysterious to believe in--horoscopes, mediums, psychics, etc.

There's something to psychics, aliens and all that--too many people from all over the world have the same experience for it to be BS--but I believe it all works differently than the way they think it does.

People need mystery and the devil is ready to give it to them if it will lead them down the wrong path and away from the truth.


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Some information about Aliens?
Ok, I have tried looking on the most part of the internet, found a lot of bull****, a retard saying that they only communicate with their mind, a nutcase saying you should sit on a patch of open grass in your underwear, a catholic saying that the arrival of aliens means the end of the world, a...


Aliens are so real. I'm religious but I'm interested in science too. If God made us then why wouldn't he make others? And if you're not religious then the odds of Earth being the only planet harboring intelligent life are small and if you believe we're the only ones you're DUMB, flat out.

Look into stuff like Area 51 and watch the shows they have on it on the History Channel - I do.

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