I know this girl likes me. But there's a problem?

The signs are WAAAY to obvious. The only problem is she has a boyfriend. I almost hooked up with her not to long ago and idk y i didn't but i asked if she wudda kissed me back and she sed ya. Wtf should I do? F*ck her boyfriend lol.


I asked her to make me another poem and she said this

"Times running fast he's always on my mind, One day I'll lose him, and then I'll seem to find, The guy who really cares, no matter who's around,He'll always make me proud, I'll love him forever and he will never put me down. Hopefully I met him, my life would change around."
The always on my mind part and one day ill lose him part ws bout her current boyfriend, the rest, me.




Favorite Answer

now ask for s*x.


Tell her how you feel ASAP!! Be patient she will leave her other BF! But in the mean time stay friends with her and always be there when she needs you and then when the time comes she leaves him!!!BAM!! She is yours!! :) she obviously likes You A LOT!! GO FOR IT!!

Note: but don't forget to tell her how you feel throught a note, because she is telling you how she feels but she is waiting for your response!!


Thanks for answering my question.

I'm sorry, but **** the bf!!! I mean, if she's telling you this stuff, she's clearly not THAT into her bf. However, be aware that sometimes girls just get bored and just want attention from other guys in order to feel validated. So if you have strong feelings for this girl, play it right. If she's willing to show you that she will fight for you, then she's worth fighting for as well. If not, then find yourself another girl. Best of luck!!!!

Kayla Bjorn2011-11-16T23:53:28Z

i think you need to tell her how you feel.fight for her! make her want you more than she wants her boyfriend.kiss her. don`t ask cause that's lame. u don't need permission to show her u like her enough fight for her!


go for her bro. i mean it might just be a little thing but still go for her.

answer mine plz


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