im freaked out because i was seeing spirit like little girls in my dream. meaning please?

i had a dream that i was sort of paralyzed in my bed and there these little girls in my room dancing in a circle sort of like spirits i guess and i couldnt move fast enough to get to her room but when i finally got up the voices stop but the spirit like girls were still there dissapering slowly and when i saw them i ran to my moms room, after that i woke up. :\
usually my mom has these kind of dreams not me. can you tell me the meaning?


the persons room i was trying to get to was my moms. :\


Favorite Answer

If you have another one - try to ask them who they are. It takes alot of control and practice to do so . I know it probally sounds impossible but still try and gain some controll


i like Halloween. that's the excellent trip. i've got encountered some issues i presumed have been unusual on the time. merely one thing small like, my toothbrush went lacking, the closet door became into left open, or I merely felt like somebody became into observing me. i do no longer unavoidably think of it became right into a ghost or any style on entity, i think of it became into merely me being paranoid. yet, who is familiar with? we are advised that there are spirits all around us precise? specific, of direction i think in ghosts. yet i do no longer think of human beings see them as often as they suspect. i do no longer think in city legends, like Bloody Mary. Oh, and in order that which you recognize, i became into advised that the quija board may well be very risky.


Were the little girls sexy?