Java and C/C++ Developer in Eclipse?

I own a Mac OS X 10.6.
I already have Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (not Java EE Developers) and would like to have Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers, but when I downloaded the C/C++ version of Eclipse, it comes with the Eclipse application also. Is there a way to integrate both Java and C/C++ into one Eclipse application? Which files/directories do I need to copy?


I tried doing what 't' suggested and I received this error:

Cannot complete the install because some dependencies are not satisfiable [] cannot be installed in this environment because its filter is not applicable.

I tried installing these:
C/C++ Call Graph Visualization (Incubation)
C/C++ Development Tools
C/C++ Library API Documentation Hover Help (Incubation)


Favorite Answer

Install the CDT from within Eclipse by going 'Help' - 'Install New Software...' and typing "" in the 'Work with...' field. Replace indigo with your version ('Help' - 'About Eclipse' will tell you the version).

EDIT: URL got gobbled. Here it is in clickable form and space-separated form:
http:// tools/cdt/releases/indigo

Try installing just 'CDT Main Features' if the other ones are causing problems.


Like some pronounced, you may grow to be a solid application developer in any language. in spite of the undeniable fact that, i'd propose going in the direction of the languages like C++, C#, and Java that employers look for.