I am bringing corn pudding to a carry-in tomorrow?

My work is doing a Thanksgiving carry-in tomorrow. I am making corn pudding. Ingredients are corn, cream, sugar, eggs, and corn starch. What I want to do is mix it up tonight, put it in the fridge over night, and just put it in the oven and have it bake while I get ready in the morning. But, I don't know how letting it sit over night before cooking will affect it. Would it be okay? Would the corn starch still work right?


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It should be ok, but the issue is it will be very cold from being in the fridge overnight and may take longer to cook than the original instructions given. Keep that in mind, as well as the dish you are cooking it in. Some dishes don't take well from going from the fridge to the oven.You could have one huge mess on your hands.