I have a Mastiff who is starting to get very picky with her kibble. I try to feed high end dog foods.?

She still is not eating the better dog foods .. and if I buy a cheaper dog food .. she turns her nose up to it and goes on strike. She will be 11 in Feb. so she is an older dog. Does anyone have any reasonable suggestions on what I might mix with the kibble to encourage her to eat better. { the brand I try and buy is Newman's own but I sometimes get natural balance if its on sale }.


Favorite Answer

my little shih tzu is so picky dog i ask my vet about my dog health and the vet say my dog is just fine lastly i change my natural balance to orijen now my dog ok with orijen he loves it .....i think orijen dog food is tasty mayb u can try it ....best of luck

BYBs and Crazies rule DS2011-11-23T19:50:51Z

Honestly, she needs a vet visit. This type of food pickiness could be the first symptom of a problem internally. Pickiness in food was the first symptom in all animals I've had die shortly thereafter. Your Mastiff is very very old for a Mastiff, so being on top of this is incredibly important.

If the vet finds nothing wrong after doing a full exam and blood panel, then it's fine to try and sweeten the pot for her. You can try adding some hot water to it, some no salt chicken stock, natural no-salt peanut butter, or even mixing in some yogurt or cottage cheese.


vet check first
just feed second