Love him or hate him Mayweather .. ?

Is the best in the sport .. Concur?

Alex,one-eyed in the land of the blind.2011-11-25T04:08:13Z

Favorite Answer

I don't love the young Floyd,but i admire his talent inside and outside the ring.He is a businessman and warrior.

Legend of Godolski2011-11-25T10:49:00Z

Erm...not in 'all of time'....but I wil say he is a great boxer....but I can't say he's the best inthe sport because he won't test himself, he won't take on the best, he waits for them to slip in their career and then he jumps on them.

Hes good, don't get me wrong, but the fact he picks his opponents carefully annoys me.

The best in the sport in the moment is Pacquiao. His last fight wasn't so dominant, yes we know. But the majority of his fights are so well fought that its incredibly entertaining to watch. Why he is so popular is that he combines a street brawler kind style with tactics and head weaving that its like watching a well choreographed dance sequence.
Pure Brilliance, The best fight I've ever seen has to be Pacquiao v Cotto, from the go it was dynamite. Both fighters performed. I hope his next fight is a lot better because marquez clearly did his homework....but thats the thing, mayweather doesn't seem to risk those kinda fights, Marquez in the past has always caused Pacquiao trouble and if that were mayweather he wouldn't have attempted that fight.

When he finally does get beaten, he'll be less weary of his record and take on the fights we all want him to. I just hope he doesn't retire instead, because Floyd can't go his whole career unbeaten and dodge the big fights and still expect to be remembered as a respected boxer


Not the best in the sport just a trash talking baby, who Can Box like crazy.