What do you think about the people who believe in Jesus' second coming?

"Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour." 1 John 2:18

It's now going on 1,900 years since that was purportedly said.

Why does the "last hour" receive such a self-serving interpretation with modern believers? As if it would apply to any generation recently, let alone this generation. What makes this generation any less wrong than all the previous generations since?

Is it that their premise is that they can't be wrong? And that since he hasn't been back yet, it just MUST still be going to happen? Seems desperate.


@tree top, Like what? Gay relationships have been going on for a long time. That's nothing new. And there were far worse conditions, and things that you could misattribute as "signs", in the Dark Ages than now. Yet it never happened. You don't see how utterly self-serving your reasoning is? What makes you any less wrong than all the previous generations that claimed the same?


Favorite Answer

Gob-smackingly weird... ;)

@ Sleeping Kitty
"Bring on the thumbs down, athiests.. why? Because you know I'm right......"
Booshit ;)


I think modern day Christians like Harold Camping need to take a seat.

Re L2011-11-26T13:14:56Z

If somebody professed to be the messiah we would have them sectioned and on a load of anti-psychotic drugs before you knew it.

tree top2011-11-26T13:47:34Z

they are right he will appear and take his people out of this fallen world, there are many signs showing that the time is near, men will be lovere of men that statment when it is in full array they will be marring each other. turn your eyes toward heaven you redemption draws nigh. there are many more.

Sleeping kitty2011-11-26T13:08:21Z

He IS coming again - believe it or not.

God bless.

Bring on the thumbs down, athiests.. why? Because you know I'm right......

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