Antonio margacheato “criminal”?

Why was there not any criminal investigation by local goverment on his illegal handwraps? Have you seen my facbook page antonio margacheato?


Favorite Answer

I think he should've been charged with assault.


Since the beginning of time.... there has been cheating going on in boxing, whether it be by the trainer or the fighter himself. The only difference with Margarito is that he got caught. Why do you think that Brother Nazeem insisted on watching the wrapping (as is his right)? Why do you think Nazeem knew what to look for? It's because he knows this type of thing happens all the time. Most fans (like yourself) haven't a clue about the dirty tricks that guys use to gain an advantage. Knowing what REALLY goes on in boxing will shock you.


maybe the ban was punishment enough in their eyes... I think he should've been brought up on charges for attempt of tampering with or rigging a sports contest(if its a law haha)