Do you remember these yahoo answers trolls?

I am trying to make a database of yahoo answers trolls, becuase i am bored.

I have seen these trolls recently,do you remember them? if you know other trolls put them in your answers and i will add them.

Here is the list:

Ali- troll from Australia who wants people to convince him to have sex with his teacher

Mental retard- random troll who asks question about sex

James decker- 20 something black guy looking for 16 year old girls

GropeTeengirls- wants to molest and rape teen girls, (probably a pedophile)

Bethany- girl who lives in trailer who brags about her being hotter than her jealous neighbor

*flips hair*- responds flips hair as every answer

Paul- wants to legalize polygamy and believes that the Illuminati is real

Troll police officer- responds with the familiar catchphrase "problem"

Have anymore troll suggestions write them down


Favorite Answer

there are sooo many trolls on here that I think there aren't really many people on's just that those who are have 10+ profiles each. I don't remember any of them because I'm desensitized to the trolling effect.


Manxbiker gives always insulting and ironic answers to questions regarding Britain or Europe or other issues.


No. But I probably haven't been on Yahoo Answers long enough to remember.


Only one


Trolls live under bridges.

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