Should my 14 year old get her monroe pierced?

My 14 year old daughter is the youngest of 4 biological siblings and 2 step siblings. The oldest are 20 with her being the youngest. Her youngest step sib. lives with her mother and has had a monroe piercing since she was 15. This child dropped out of school when she turned 16, got her GED and since has not worked and is on a damaging path. My 18 year old got her nose pierced when she was 16. She took good care of it but the ring fell out and the hole closed after about 6 months.

My daughter goes to a conservative school in a small district she has told me that a couple kids in her school have facial piercings. We have had a few discussions about this in the past few months. I have expressed to her my concerns regarding this behavior. She has had medical problems in the past e.i. a bone tumor that was removed about 1.5 years ago, kidney surgery when she was 7 and febrile seizures from 2 years to 7 years when she had kidney surgery. I have also done research about the safety of the procedure. She has had her ears pierced 2 times the first time the skin grew over the earring and had to have it removed by the doctor and the 2nd time worked out better but only one side is still open and she had her cartilage pierced of which is still open also.

I am looking for some good advice hopefully from another parent that may have dealt with this in such a young teen before. Do they think this is a good idea, she is really trying to express herself or some reason related to her step sister???


Favorite Answer

I think she will regret it so no...however if you do decide to let her it will heal if she decides not to keep it and make sure she takes care of it you do not want a piercing infection!!


Who's it gonna kill?

Just let her do it....if she doesn't like it she can always take it out and let it heal.

I dont see why parents make such a big deal over this, im 16 and have 6 piercings. My mom told me no so I just went to my best friend's brother who works at a tattoo/piercing place and got them done there. She didn't/doesn't like them but she can get the hell over it.



My mom let me after I begged her. but I took it out a few months later because I got bored of it.

I think it'll be the same with your daughter

Human Lifeform2011-11-30T04:39:42Z

Just let her do it. She's just going to resent you if you don't, and she's old enough to decide weather she wants a piercing or not. Honestly, its no big deal and stop worrying about it.


Go for it

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