can someone plz give me a link or anything that will help me with doing PT?

unfortunately my recruiting station doesn't meet up like we are supposed to be doing to help us get ready for basic training. I have been working out on my own but I just dont see any results. I have been working on my push-ups, sit-ups, and running. I have gotten better at push-ups and sit-ups but i just dont see any results in my running. I went from doing 4 push-ups an have now gotten to 11 push-up in two minutes and little by little I'm improving on that. The sit-ups I have went from doing 20 to now doing 50 sit-ups two minutes. but my running is still the same I just cant seem to be able to run a mile. I wanna be fully prepared for basic training.
any advise would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance.


oh btw I leave in March


Favorite Answer

look at this website, and follow the daily workout routines. The trainer is not a military person, but I'm sure you can see she is really fit. I'm assuming you're a girl based on your number of push ups, so her routines should be something you can do.

Additionally, do as many push ups as you can every hour, then when you have reached your limit do as many as you can on your knees. Running: You need to start varying your speeds. Run around the block (or whatever it is your run around) and sprint for as long as you can at full speed, then run at a normal pace for 3 times the time you sprinted, then back to sprinting. Keep doing that until you've done 3 miles.

Someone Online2011-12-02T06:30:18Z

Woah, you have a LOOOOONGGGGGGG way to go, I was a freaking bed bug and I still could do more then you can do now just starting.

My advise is to go to a personal trainer, RUN DONT WALK. March is 3 months away buddy