What cause high fuel consumption in a diesel?

I have a 3.0 turbo diesel 2004 Holden Rodeo with 200,000kms on the clock. It using 15 litres per 100km when I try to drive economically. When I dont, it will use 16-17 litres per 100km. I read they should only be using 9.5-11 litres per 100km. What could be the problem?


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1st. Has the fuel system ever had a failure that required any of the injectors or injection pump to be replaced, or are we a 200000 kms all orginial factory parts fuel system? If nothing has ever been done, fuel delievery usually is the problem. Injection pump replacement time. Soon after, the fuel injectors will start to fail, so rule of thumb? If one quits, change them all at the same time.


Have you ever gotten your fuel injectors overahuled and your fuel pump overhauled and calibrated ? If not your way overdue.