when will American troops leave Germany?

just wondering why they are their... and how much longer the want to be there
they don't molest our women do they?


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When the German government no longer wants them there or when the US bases close. Some troops do molest women unfortunately but the numbers are smaller than those in the civilian world.

And they don't get a free vacation. They are working the entire time until either they get liberty or leave.


And they are there because of 2 reasons. The US wanted a forward base back in the cold war for when russia invaded western europe and the germans wanted protection. And now its a major medical weigh station and also and put our troops basically anywhere within a day.

John U2011-12-04T16:15:49Z

Well not sure if they will ever leave since we are there at the request of the German Government but even so, molesting women is not at the top of the list. I spent two three year tours over there and I busted my hump being busy in the field or just plain working all day and half the night so it's not a vacation or an exercise in committing crimes against the German citizens. Really, if you were in Germany, you would be really bit**g about all the Turks and Arabs that have invaded your country, that's what all my German friends talked about. They didn't much like the huge numbers of US service members in Germany but when the majority left and were usurped by all the Foreigners the German Govt. is now housing and feeding, they realized those crazy azz GI's weren't so bad after all. That's all I got to say about that.


They are there to keep the Soviet/Warsaw pact horde's from storming across the inter-Gemran border,... and to allow American troops to train more readily with thier NATO allies. Germany also provides an important forward base of operations overseas.


American troops are a permanent fixture since ww2


They are in Germany and other countries to help train them and do training exercises with other Military's.

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