do we have to know the alphabets and numbers, rank insignia, general orders, land navigation,etc etc before we?

leave for bct?


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You can get ahead and learn the alphabet and numbers ahead of time. The ranks will be gradual since you'll only have contact with mostly sergeants. General orders should be taught by the military so you don't learn it wrong and have to unlearn anything. The same goes for land nav. If you learn on your own you might pick up a bad habit that will hurt you once you get to bct so you should just wait.


Nope but I would recommend remembering A through G (During training) just to get the basics down.
During training you'll learn all that stuff. Ranks will naturally flow into your mind. All others will be taught.


It would be good to know, but not required before reaching BCT.

Hence the term "basic combat training".

They will teach you everything you need to know for you to become a new soldier in the US Army.