help finding pc point and click adventure game?

back in like 6th grade (around 1999) there was this game in the school i went to's computer lab that i only remember small bits and parts of.
it was a first person perspective, it had static "3d" graphics and i think any people in the game were pictures of actors, like original mortal kombat style.
the few things i remember is being outside of a castle and having to lower the drawbridge. i think you needed to use carboncopy paper to solve the puzzle of lowering it. also there was a part where you play bocce with leonardo da vinci or galileo or someone like that. there may have been a part with coal and a steam engine or something ?

i feel like the title involved the word "mind" or something but i could be wrong about that.

i just want to find this game again and see how easy it is now that i'm a lot older haha.

i remember being one of the only kids to beat it.... i guess i've always been a nerd lol




Favorite Answer

it sounds familiar, is it a jumpstart game? or like reading blaster? something like that, i played it when i was younger too

maybe castlevania or duke nuken?