Manny pacman losing stamina?

Is manny losing stregnth because of all these wars? Were the fixed fights to much for him?

Kool K.2011-12-07T04:49:57Z

Favorite Answer

Fighting a bunch of wars does not take away from stamina ,but it does ware away at ones toughness ,and cuts from a lot of wars can also take a toll ,look at what happened Israel Vasquez.

Manny Pacquiao has not suffered a lot of cuts ,devastating KOs ,nor any one sided losses that would take away his confidence and mental toughness ,so i would say Pacquiao can probably fight at the level of opposition that he is fighting now until he's is close to 40 ,that is unless he is broken down mentally from a one sided loss ,or devastating KO.


No. It's just that JMM frustrated his gameplan and he had no plan B. Pacquiao is unidimensional. He goes in to knock people out and has done it succesfully but Marquez has his number.


Nah. But Mayweather is losing balls.

What dya mean fixed? Cotto and Marga having their azzes beaten up bad were scripted?


If Pacquiao fights were FIXED,it is much obvious that Floyd vs Ortiz was more than FIXED...LMAO


after the Marquez fight he looks kinda stale and now im sure mayweather can easily beat him now mayb his whole politics career is affecting him

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