Conditioner makes my hair fall out?

Does anyone else have this problem? Have you figured out a solution?

I've tried different brands of conditioners, I've tried different types of shampoos, but whenever I use conditioner I end up losing a lot more hair than usual in the shower. I'm talking like, the amount I would normally lose in a week. I even recently found that if I use really good quality shampoo that has conditioner type stuff in it, it will do the same thing on a slightly smaller scale. Before you say "You're supposed to lose some", yes, I know, but I mean I lose about five times the normal amount.
I stop losing so much hair when I go back to a less conditioning shampoo, like Fructis.

I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem, I don't remember having this problem in high school, but now that I'm in my early twenties it seems to have become a problem. I really want soft hair (since I have thick, easily coarse hair), but obviously I can't lose a handful everyday!


I should probably add that I very rarely put my hair up, I don't brush it more than about twice a day, and I never blow dry or straighten it.


And I've never dyed or highlighted it.


Favorite Answer

Samething happens to me!!......what I do is that I only put conditoner on the ends....n try not to pull the hair.....n there's something called ION they sell it at sallys beauty supply its pretty hair hasn't been falling a lot :)) hope I helped a lil bit :))


Conditioner Makes My Hair Fall Out


Try online shopping for your shampoo brands, conditioner don't obviously do anything but relax your hair and tends to smooth it a bit, but my suggestion is you use a relaxer.
Most outside stores don't put the right brands in there stores for the right reasons and correct people.
And in this case, you don't have to use any at all, Google search wen hair products and take a look at wonderful unique website and try some online shopping, we have the same problem and trust me with this product you will be stunned! It's filled with a lot of natural and unique things to soften, smoothing and relax your hair.


I don't want to scare you, but I would see a doctor, I work at a salon and One woman for about 5 or 6 months noticed her hair was falling out in handfuls when shed use conditioner, any kind.. and when she finally made an appointment with a dermatolgist, they told her it had something to do with a skin condition she had and didnt know about, BUT she bought the wal-mart brand of rogain, i think "equate hair growth" maybe, and it works very well!


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When hair is wet, it's most vulnerable to falling out which is why it is suggested that after the shower you do not use any hair brushes but a wide-toothed comb. When I shampoo/ condition I try to be gentle so that i don't pull any hairs out, but usually it happens anyway.

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