what happens if you fail you pt test at army reception?

Dot you get sent to fat camp or is that just to see where you are physically. Right now my running is attrocious and my situp are good but not that great. I can barrely do 11 pushup and I leave in March.


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You have plenty of time to get prepared for BCT! I did it in the same amount of time as you and all it takes is dedication and motivation. When I started I couldn't do 5 REAL push-ups; I couldn't do 25 sit-ups; and I couldn't even finish a mile. I just went outside one day and started running and every day I did push-ups and sit-ups. The best way to get good at it is to do it. By the time I was in AIT I was scoring 275s on my PT tests and thats starting from a 180 when I first enlisted.


Is that even possible? What is the Army's IST? Like 3 pushups, 17 situps and an 8:30 mile. Kid you need to start working out. If you started working out in 3 months you could max the 300 for the Army. 5 days a week and you should be able to add 5 pushups minimum, 10 situps minimum and decrease your run by 30 seconds a week.


Then you stay at reception and go to a Physical Training Platoon at the Reception Battalion until you can make the minimum standards to start Basic Training.

You do not have to pass the APFT to start Basic Training. You have to score high enough on an assessment test that is separate from the APFT. When I was Basic Training it was a test of Push Ups, Sit Ups and a 1 mile run.

By the end of Initial Entry Training (first 9 weeks), you had to pass the APFT at 50% in each category to go to AIT and pass the APFT at 60% to pass AIT.


Well my friend the Army APFT requires you to do a 2 mile run in less than 16 minutes 80 Push up`s & sit up`s 30 pull up`s so i would start hitting the gym our something if i was you . I had to do 50 push up`s & sit up`s for my PT test last month i failed it because i got 35 on both and i haven't worked out in over 5 years so if i can get 35 i know you can do better than 11 push up`s .


nothing happens if you fail. You'll join the army and in the end you'll become a better person in every aspect. You'll see