Isolating dog with hookworms.?

I found a starving puppy and he has hook worms. He was given a deworming treatment on the 8th and has a second dose due on the 12th. I have two other dogs who have been given Heartgard plus. How long should I keep this new puppy isolated from my other dogs to avoid the hookworms spreading to my two healthy dogs?


Favorite Answer

As long as you are giving the Heartgard Plus faithfully to your 2 dogs they are protected & won't contract hookworms. I would only isolate the new pup if the vet said he was not healthy in some other respect, like coughing,sneezing etc.

Stupid Name2011-12-08T18:20:44Z

Two weeks on meds and your other dogs have been taking there's?? You should be fine. The vet should have giving you an estimate.

One thing though, make sure to clean up quickly any poops your sick pup leaves. They may have the worms in them. You don't want the others to be around that.


Ask the vet they will help :)