Star Wars The Old Republic, is it a modern reflection on Muslim/Middle east Gvmnt vs Christian/Western Gvnmnt?

I've tried not to ruin my anticipation of SWTOR by reading or watching too much, but tonight the curiosity gets the better of me and I'm checking out the Web Comic. (They actually want us to read that first so it must not spoil anything.)

I'm just wondering if it was accidental or unavoidable that the Sith/Empire vs Jedi/Republic thing has so much in common with an America/Christian vs. Iran/Muslim conflict. Consider the following:

1) There is a defined connection between both the religion and the government. The religious are most concerned about the religion, and the army/government is most concerned about the army government. But the connection is still there even if they don't cross much and the enemy doesn't see much of a distinction.

2) Your character can make all the good or evil choices he wants, but he never switches sides.

3) There is no major power with a religion tied to it. Neutral characters aren't zealots towards either religion or one of their own.


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Sooooo erm?.....Are you saying Muslims would be sith or the Christians? You know, evil people bent on world domination?

I'll brush off the potential subliminal bigotry there and let you know that I'll be playing on the Republic side, Jedi Sentinel to be exact AND with mah guild full of my fellow Republic Muslim brothas (two of which we're born and raised in the ME)! And mah Christian and Jewish brothas as well!

So...yeah bad comparison.


i have tried most of the "conventional" MMORPGs interior the only precise few years that individuals have claimed might want to blow WoW out of the water... and that i have no longer all started to stop WoW for some thing, so... i'd be finding out on up in call for individual Wars: The previous Republic at the same time as it comes out, yet no longer in hopes of being my WoW replace. I only wish to savour it and not in any respect be upset.

02n3dj8opzt82m p00ned?!?!?2011-12-10T21:11:36Z

I guess in a small way; but pretty much any game with two factions where both are equally represented can be seen like this. World of warcraft to halo 2.