Yahoo News comments and SOPA?

Assuming the House SOPA definitions are fine-tuned to better target only the worst rogue websites and not ensnare innocent players

You know what they say when you ***-u-me anything

With yahoo comments being down this will give you people who use it a glimpse of what the goverment can do if you let them...
stop SOPA


What they are actually saying is the definitions are too broad and can encompass on the rights of free people.


Favorite Answer

What the courts can rule if yahoo is facilitating the theft of copyright material.
Are they willingly facilitating such theft?
Do they make significant efforts to prevent such theft?
Have they demonstrated willingness to remove content after DMCA Notices?

YouTube is more at risk than Yahoo... given that they KNOW their users upload copyrighted material and they tell the copyright owners that it is GOOD for them. Rather than trying to prevent copyright infringement, youtube partly encourages and benefits from it (more people use the site... at least).
In this case, even though they comply with the DMCA notices... their business model directly profits from piracy and as such they may be targeted.


Here fight

Also, boycott Hollywood, show them that screwing with the internet has consequences.