Writers: If your character used YahooAnswers...?

Let's assume that for some strange reason your character(s) is now using yahoo answers (don't bother answering this question if your character has never heard of computers or internet)...answer these questions for me...

1. What could have led your character to using YahooAnswers?

2. What sections/subsections of Y!A would they usually go on?

3. What percentage of best answer would they have and why?

4. What would their profile and DP look like?

5. What would the other characters think of them using YahooAnswers if they ever found out?

6. What might be the most recent question they would ask on Y!A?

xxChae (needs to be amused as she has finally gotten her end of high-school results and feels like her life is well and truly over)


Chae's answers:
Well - Sophie's answers ;)
1. What could have led your character to using YahooAnswers?
Googling relationship issues would have led her to seeing a prevalence of Y!A answers. She would then proceed to make an account to uh..ask more questions (Y)

2. What sections/subsections of Y!A would they usually go on?
Dating and Relationships
She might dip around in the Dream Interpretation section too...she's been having weird dreams lately

3. What percentage of best answer would they have and why?
about 50%. But only because she's probably only answered about 2 questions and miraculously got one of them right. Upon seeing this she'd do a little giggly dance in her room.

4. What would their profile and DP look like?
She'd probably actually put a picture of herself smiling innocently at the camera. And her profile would probably mention bunnies. And her best friend and how much she loves her. And something like 'I hope I can make new friends here!&


5. What would the other characters think of them using YahooAnswers if they ever found out?
Her best friend will try and make her change her dp to something that isn't her face, and then join Y!A herself to ask questions on Polls and Surveys (in order to analyse the answers and statistics...).

6. What might be the most recent question they would ask on Y!A?
'How do I get this boy I like (but not so much now) to stop following me around? PLEASE HELP?!'

@Chali - your story has me mesmerised already. I want to see more of it.

@ DNA & Filim & Silly turtle: You guys are sweet




Favorite Answer

1. Gina has been having strange occurrences and has no idea where or how these events are happening. Yahoo Answers is her way of trying to find some semblance of answers to her questions.

2. Due to the bizarre nature of her questions, she would probably attempt to hang out in the mythology and folklore subsection of Religion and Spirituality.

3. As she is an inexperienced young college student, I doubt she would have many best answers. She tends to be fairly naive and uninformed, but she would make every effort to give answers to the best of her abilities. I would say less than 10%.

4. Due to her rather limited English abilities, but her desire to communicate in English (she is from Tokyo) her profile is rather short and uninspired.

5. The other characters would probably laugh at her for using Yahoo Answers, since they are far less likely to be using it as a resource for information. In fact many of them would not expect much in the way of answers, so it would probably be a very good resource for her. She may even find more answers on YA than without it.

6. Her most recent question would be "Has anyone else ever experienced disembodied voices when alone in a bathroom?" or "Have there been recent disappearances in your neighborhood, particularly of the usual vagrants you normally see?"

DNA - Countdown2011-12-18T11:41:36Z

Hi, Chae :)
This is actually really interesting (and slightly coincidental/weird) because my character has just started using the internet again after a natural disaster that knocked it out.

1. What could have led your character to using YahooAnswers?
The fact that she hasn't used ANYTHING like it in years. And because it's so completely addictive.

2. What sections/subsections of Y!A would they usually go on?
Jade would go on "Religion and Spirituality" because she's curious, not because she's religious. For a laugh, "Polls and Surveys." "Food and Drink" definitely to help with her bulimia.

3. What percentage of best answer would they have and why?
She would have a really low percentage. She wouldn't want to bring attention to herself. Plus, no one would actually choose her as BA anyway, haha.

4. What would their profile and DP look like?
Profile pic would be a drawing of something delicate. Like an angel. Profile... No extra info added. As much as she would love to post stuff about her, she's on the run. So that's a big no no.

5. What would the other characters think of them using YahooAnswers if they ever found out?
They'd be a bit angry that she kept it a secret... and then log in themself.

6. What might be the most recent question they would ask on Y!A?
"How long have you been using Y!A for?"

Your life is NOT over!

Silly Turtle [Dont forget about the avocados]2011-12-18T07:08:53Z

Isaac will be helping me with the answers today~

1. What could have led your character to using YahooAnswers?
---I'm sure googling some information and questions, site links would appear in the results. He'd click and be amused that there is such a place meant for asking and answering questions.

2. What sections/subsections of Y!A would they usually go on?
---Probably Science and Mathematics. Not because he's a genius, but he finds science useful. He'd ask what seem like little harmless questions, but really has the intent of using the answers for his benefit. Such as finding out if a certain chemical can blind you.

3. What percentage of best answer would they have and why?
---I wouldn't give him anymore than 8 or 10%. 'Cuz I know he'd be trollin' on yahoo!answers.

4. What would their profile and DP look like?
---He would have more questions than answers in his stats. His About Me would be... "Wrinkle, wrinkle, little dream. Welcome to my profile." His profile picture would be a default one.

5. What would the other characters think of them using YahooAnswers if they ever found out?
---Memphis, his sister, would find out the password and disable his account. Then she would block y!a on their computer. Heck, she would even throw out the computer. She would throw it out the window, but there's a little law that would get her and the neighborhood in trouble if she did.

6. What might be the most recent question they would ask on Y!A?
---"Where can I register for a new pair of shoes?" ...his shoes are fine ;)

Don't worry about your results. I see you as a successful person even without great high school results :3


Well she (called Zoe) enjoys meeting people online, especially when she is in hospital, because she feels very lonely, and wants to escape from the plane crash which traumatised her.

Pets (she loves animals), UK News, entertainment (movies especially) and also does dance, so might go for Dance.

Well the thing about Zoe is she likes to speak her mind. She won't get as many best answers because she is straight and to the point- she won't bother much about corrections, she'll probably just say 'not good, bad grammar' and leave it at that. But for some questions, like in pets or dance, which she is really interested in, she'll be also quite detailed. Maybe 5% give or take about 2%

She loves to draw, though not give advice, and would probably use a picture of her drawing for an avatar, or have a Manga avatar picture from the internet. Apart from that, not sure, but she'd keep what her questions and answers were as private.

They probably wouldn't care that much. Her father works in IT, making websites for companies, so might be pleased she's using the computer for more than stupid games. Her mother is an interior designer, very arty, and wouldn't really mind. Her twin sister Freya prefer reading, and outdoors, to the computer, but would just shrug off the differences.

How can I keep happy in a hospital? In entertainment- games.

Tiger Tiger Burning Bright2011-12-18T00:54:29Z

1. Word on the street that someone's been looking her up on Y!A

2. Law and Ethics, Society and Culture, Travel, Pets: Horses, News and Events, and quite basically everything. She's very well versed in a lot of things.

3. She'd only answer if she was 100% certain, so her Best Answer percent would be VERY high.

4. Profile pic: A black horse. Profile: "There's no escaping me. I'm here too." Her profile name would be 'Hawk's Eye View'.

5. The other characters wouldn't care. Perhaps an eye-roll here and there.

6. "What is the most materialistically valuable possession you have?" in the Polls section.

Lmao, I think you can guess her profession of choice by the last one :D

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