Muslims: Have you watched the movie "the message"?

I just finished watching the movie "the message" and i think every Muslim and non-Muslim alike should watch it. It is a beautiful movie dictating the beginning of Islam with the life of Mohammed and his companions. Just by watching this movie in one day it was able to change my perspective in life i have spent my whole day learning more and more about Islam and listening to Quran. This movie has motivated me to become a better Muslim!!
-This movie is known to date as being one of the best Islam movies of all time!
-Has a 8.1/10 rating
- What more can i say stop reading this and go see it for yourself if you have not already! Trust me if you are going to make sure to have a box of tissues right next to you!
Here is the link:
- Hope you guys all enjoy it as much as i did! =)
-btw tell me what you think i'm interested to know!
also although this movie is about prophet Mohammed and his life it does not show him in the film instead people are talking to the camera pretending to talk to Mohammed so no worries! you'll know what i am talking about once you watch it!


@Anonymous: I don't know how to reach you but i hope your reading this:
your story truly touched me i believe you are a very strong women especially for being 24 and to go through all that you have and still be as strong as you are i hope to one day have as much courage as you. My prayers will be with you and your husband! May Allah grant you a safe journey to Hajj and May you and your children be blessed by Allah!


Favorite Answer

I've seen the movie about 5 times and I still would watch it again and again. Its a really good film which shows the world that Islam is about peace - not war and hate. I'd strongly recommend both Muslims and non-Muslims to watch it. If many who are not Muslim stereotype Islam because of what you see in the media, watch this film and it will definitely change you're perspective and views on the religion.

Asalam wa alaykum (i.e. peace be with you)


I have not watched it, and don't intend to. I do not believe that it will be accurate (everything the west says about Muslims is full of rumors) and also because this is the first step, now they'll begin climbing up until they try to even portrait the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him).


The Msg Of Islam Movie


It is nice, BUT it is an old movie. They need something more modern, all the things Islam brought with it are now being claimed by others, and more freedoms than what the beginning of Islam allowed are now in motion. No one kills baby girls anymore, no one has slaves anymore, and normal people do extraordinary Good acts and charity now.


THANKS :) and Ameen ya rab...i try my best to do everything right in this world...i still cry until now because we are both so young and he don't deserve to die like this:'(...from the love i have for him i have saved up the money for Hajj and inshAllah Hajj for him this upcoming year..i am going through so much now because of the drunk driver and its hard for me just to let my husband go...i keep praying for Allah(swt) to leave me as a widow until we reunite...if anyone sees me now they will not believe its me because of how skinny and darker i became..but now i only focus on Allah(swt) to take care of me and my boys and inshAllah we reunite as a family in the hereafter:'( i always say alhamdillah for what i still have...inshAllah in the hereafter me and the prophet Muhammad (saw) will go to heaven together since i am now caring for orphans...and inshAllah my husband will go as well since he died as a shaheed(martyr)....i have had Multiple Sclerosis since i was 16 years old but alhamdillah Allah(swt) is helping me with my disease and i try my best to care for my boys but if i had a problem Allah(swt) knows i am sick with the disease and mashAllah everytime i pray and read i get better and better with my sickness...but i would like to say thanks again for your nice comment may Allah(swt) reward u for that:)

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