How about a third major political party in the USA?

Here is my proposed platform for this party:

Favors "shall issue" pistol permit laws, all states must recognize any state permit as valid.

Favors concealed carry of firearms at the discretion of the permit holder.

Is "Pro Choice" on abortion. (medical decisions made by DOCTORS, not POLITICIANS)

Same sex marriage subject to same rules as traditional marriage. (It's a contract, not a religious rite today)

Willing to reign in government agencies and allow families and individuals to decide what to watch, what to listen to, and what to see. (Of course this means that individuals would have take it upon themselves to avoid material they find objectionable).

Will reform the civil court system, The people that directly contributed to the loss with actions that a reasonable person would believe contributed directly to the loss should be held accountable. All others, no matter how good their insurance or how deep their pockets should not.

American citizens and legal residents FIRST, all others SECOND! In all things!

Actually defends the Constitution in all ways.

Committed to securing our borders against all invaders.

Committed to revising immigration laws to make it easier to enter the country legally.

Committed to making it possible to "bring in" workers from out of the country to fill jobs that Americans do not apply for (subject to background checks and confirmation of good health).

When deciding on legislation is committed to ask Would this law be Constitutional? Is this law necessary?

Basically ... "Tea Party" to the extreme. Not only "get the government out of MY daily life" but "Get the government out of EVERY BODY'S daily life!

Who is with me, feel free to add your own "plank" to the platform ... just don't take any away!


Queryon: The government does not pass laws that are not Constitutional? Since when? Look at the pistol permit laws ... ranging from respecting the right to keep and bear arms as recognized by the second amendment to TO"TALLY disregarding that part of the Constitution.

There isn't a government agency that censors television broadcasts and hands out fines for "violations" of their standards? Don't the Superbowl Committee from 2004 wish that were true! Yes, I am advocating that TV be allowed to show UNCUT movies (including violence and nudity) on cable channels (even not premium channels) without fear. "Edited for content" usually means "so much of the action is gone you will never actually know what the film is about".

As for reforming the civil court system ... long overdue. Far too many "deep pocket" lawsuits that extort money from someone that committed no act that had the damage being sued for as a "direct or forese


Favorite Answer

How about a "NO POLITICAL PARTIES" party?
Where all political parties are banned.
Where anyone can run for whatever office they choose.
Where a political party boss cannot dictate to the party neophytes.
Where a few thousand dollars is all that is needed or legal to run for any office as it works in Great Briton.
\Where there are no professional politicians that are more interested in getting re-elected that to take care of the US.
Or better yet, how about the people themselves vote on all issues, known as Direct Representation rather that what we use today where someone gets elevated to a high office only to be accosted by the big money interests and follow the dollars and the party line.

I for one am tired of the Pelosi (D) and Gingrich (R) types that are out to line their own pockets rather than do the United States business. Lets face it Exxon, WalMart, and all the other multi National corporations run our country or at least have the Presidents ear. When was the last time you directly communicated with a US Congressman or President? The large Banks, insurance and even manufacturing companies talk to our elected officials on a day to day basis.


Willing to reign in government agencies and allow families and individuals to decide what to watch, what to listen to, and what to see. (Of course this means that individuals would have take it upon themselves to avoid material they find objectionable). THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT TELL YOU WHAT TO WATCH ON TELEVISION. THOSE GOVT AGENCIES MIGHT HOWEVER, HELP PROTECT YOU FROM DRUNK DRIVERS, COMPANIES THAT POLLUTE YOU DRINKING WATER WITH CANCER CAUSING CONTAMINANTS.... JUST FOR STARTERS.

Will reform the civil court system, The people that directly contributed to the loss with actions that a reasonable person would believe contributed directly to the loss should be held accountable. All others, no matter how good their insurance or how deep their pockets should not. INTERFERING WITH THIS IS NOT PROTECTING THE CONSTITUTION. PERIOD. THE CONSTITUTION IS THE BASIS OF ALL LAWS OF THE LAND, INCLUDING TORT LAW LIKE IT OR NOT!!!!!! CAUSE AND EFFECT IS TOO COMPLICATED FOR YOU TO MAKE IT SIMPLE AND CUT AND DRY AS YOU SUGGEST. GET OVER YOUR SELF

American citizens and legal residents FIRST, all others SECOND! In all things!

Actually defends the Constitution in all ways.

Committed to securing our borders against all invaders.

Committed to revising immigration laws to make it easier to enter the country legally.

Committed to making it possible to "bring in" workers from out of the country to fill jobs that Americans do not apply for (subject to background checks and confirmation of good health).

When deciding on legislation is committed to ask Would this law be Constitutional? Is this law necessary? THEY CAN NOT PASS UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS. DON'T YOU THINK THEY CONSIDER IF IT IS NECESSARY?

Basically ... "Tea Party" to the extreme. Not only "get the government out of MY daily life" but "Get the government out of EVERY BODY'S daily life! TEA PARTY SUCKS!!! JSYK, SOME PEOPLE WANT THE GOVERNMENT IN THEIR LIVES, IF SOCIETIES COULD FUNCTION WITH OUT GOVERNMENTS, IT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED LONG AGO, IT HAS NOT BECAUSE IT CAN NOT.


That platform sounds fine. Are there any third parties that already advocate a platform similar to yours?

I can think of one way in which a third party could offer great value, independently of its policy positions.

We should take the time to search for alternative candidates. We don't have to wait for anyone to change the campaign finance system. We can simply refuse to vote for any candidate backed by big money. That denies power to the source of that money, bypassing the need for reform (and the lobbyists who would stop that reform because their jobs would be threatened).

There are some politicians who take very little money from any sources except individuals (in other words, they are not indebted to special interests).

In the likely event that no such candidate wins the primary for either major party, my strategy would require voting for neither Democrats nor Republicans. Other parties' candidates still appear on ballots. It does not matter which candidate, because that candidate will not win the election this time around. It's OK to vote for a goofball or weirdo.

If more people start voting for those outside party weirdos you see on ballots, it becomes more likely that sensible independent candidates will emerge in various elections. Then we can vote for those people. Also, that will pressure the two main political parties to adapt to voter preferences more than big campaign donors would like.

That third party strategy has a risk of splitting the liberal vote between two candidates (as happened with Ralph Nader) or the conservative vote between two candidates (as happened with Ross Perot). The best outsider candidate would be a non-weird centrist who can steal votes equally from both parties.

Why should we forget about the past harm that Democratic or Republican mainstream candidates done? That harm was not accidental; it was the result of both responding to lobbying and acting based on party ideology. We should assume that politicians of both parties will repeat some of their past harmful actions.

There's a saying: "In every democracy, the people get the government they deserve". We're getting abused because we choose the wrong representatives. It's our fault, and it's our responsibility to change that.


Sounds good except making it easier for people to come into our country and making it easier for outsiders to take our jobs, even if Americans dont apply for them, which is ridiculous as most Americans eventually apply for all jobs. And the "add your own, but dont take any away" well, that sounds like dictatorship, as if the masses dont agree with one of your presentations, they should be able to remove it. Thats the problem now, politicians come up with a plan, like yours, and will listen to OTHER suggestions, but dont allow us to remove their suggestions. That was not a good comment on your part if you are trying to mend a bad system. Other than that, it is good.