When I cut apples the seeds get cut half, dangerous?
I was quartering apples and pears, and some of the seeds got cut in half. I rinsed them off good though. Is it dangerous? There were like 10 apples and 8 pears. I know the seeds contain cyanide, does it come out onto the apple?
Actually I took out the seeds, I just wondered if it 'travels' to the apple... I know whole pits aren't dangerous because the seeds stays whole and the cyanide doesn't come out but if you chew them it does...
Favorite Answer
Even though cyanide is deadly and is in the seeds of apples, you would have to eat many pounds of nothing but apple seeds for it to really have any effect on you. You will be okay :)
You would have to chew the seeds to get the effects of the cyanide in them, and you would have to chew a lot and often. This is something that we actually go over in culinary school because they are toxic. In school you take an oath to take every precaution to make food safe.
The seeds aren't dangerous but the thought of it being cut into half is dangerous cos of the sharp edges. Might cut the throat while u swallow or get stuck along the throat in the process of swallowing.
Seriously? It doesn't matter you eat them or not, the reason people take them out is because they don't taste very good, well too some people they might but whatever, point being its a matter of taste, it doesn't matter, no apple seeds are not dangerous.