Smoke Detector Advice?
So I've decided that all I want for New Year's is a new smoke detector. I would like one that goes off with reassuring regularity. As in, when I badly burn the toast, or set something on fire in the oven, or when I hold a smokey candle under it...
So any advice on good smoke detectors? I want a good quality one, but not one that's so expensive I can't afford it.
Also, I'd prefer one that doesn't go off every time I open the door after a hot shower.
My house does have fire alarms, but they are fairly old and I'm not sure how reliable they are. So far, the only time they've gone off is when we've tested them or deliberately set them off with some effort. I'd prefer a more sensitive one, since none of them are in the kitchen (where I'd like to add one). We've filled the house with enough smoke to see in adjoining rooms and it hasn't gone off.