Does anyone else find this laughable?

On 60 minutes,Alison Stewart,a black woman,asks Sam Eshaghoff,the student caught taking the SATs for other students,if he feels bad about the fact that his helping those people pass their test resulted in them taking a more deserving student's spot.
With years of affirmative action,a black woman asking this seems to be the height of hypocrisy.I found myself yelling at the TV.What is your opinion on this?


@ Mr.Monkey-I'm not sure how to say it any more succinctly,but you are right.Cheating is unjust,and that is what affirmative action has always been.Institutionalized cheating,and it has always been unjust.


Favorite Answer

well you're not expressing your point very succinctly, you might have a worth while argument i just don't know..

how ever if people are getting an unfair advantage through cheating, then yeah that's unjust.

edit: just worked it out.. spacing is your problem.. hit the space bar more.. i'll rate your ask it's important..


none particularly

the world is a pretty big place ya know... so it doesnt reeeally mater :')

