I also have Cherry Shrimp and an Olive Nerite snail. These are not fish, but still kept in aquariums full of water.
Enemy of One2012-01-02T18:27:18Z
Favorite Answer
1. Tiger Oscar, Black Oscar, Green Severum, Gold Severum, Reed Fish, Firemouth Cichlid, Delhezi Bichir, Senegal Bichir, Royal Pleco, Sailfin Pleco, Bristlenose Pleco, Betta, Endler, Neon Tetra, Red Phantom Tetra, Albino Cory Catfish, Kuhli Loach, Pearl Gourami, Raphael Catfish, Peacock Eel, Fire Eel, White Cloud Mountain Minnow, Fantail Goldfish, Apple Snail, African Dwarf Frog, Cherry Shrimp, Amano Shrimp. Ghost Shrimp. Keep in mind these are all spread out in 9 different aquariums. Some of these aren't fish, but I put them down anyway.
2. Jack Dempsey, Common Pleco, Featherfin Catfish, Peacock Cichlid, Betta, Yellow Lab Cichlid, Black Skirt Tetra, Rubberlip Pleco, Angelfish, African Clawed Frog, Clown Loaches, Parrot Cichlid. (I'm probably forgetting some.)
3. Pacu, Alligator Gar, Koi, Green Spotted Puffer, Dog Face Puffer, Lion Fish, Arowana, Snakehead, Asian Upside-down Catfish, Violet Goby.
1.) Bronze Cory Cats, White Cloud Minnows, Guppies, Common Goldfish(In a different tank of course.) 2.) Red Cap Oranda Goldfish, Assorted Guppies, White Cloud Minnows, Black Skirt Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, Betta's, Yoyo Loaches, Bullhead Catfish. 3.) Assorted Cichlids, Kissing Gourami's, possibly Piranhas (my boyfriend's dream fish haha,) African Leaf fish. I would LOVE to one day have a beautiful salt water tank.
I also have several dozen Assassin snails, and 9 African dwarf frogs. <3 love my fishies to death