how do i charge people to use my website?

im looking into creating a website. But i was wandering how i charge people to use it once i create the domain and everything will there be a way i can do this? thank you

megh k2012-01-02T22:12:54Z

Favorite Answer

Hy buy a good Domain - offers products or services , for that you would require a good website- with good design, navigation, seo- and most important traffic (people who will want to buy from your website). the developers and designer would look in to setting up merchant account and all important aspects , I got my website design and development done from they have given me some good pricing and offer , try your luck.. and be one of the successful people making money online .


yep, merchant account, and I think there are some other steps you have to take as well
you can also set up a paypal account and then ask for donations, but then you have to check with your state or province and find out about rules governing non profits and the like
good luck !


Set up a merchant account


You need to set up a Merchant account. This will involve credit checks, and then you will be able to take credit card payments.


it depends on what website you make....if you sell something or you want only logged ppl to see things you can charge them monthly or how you want....but take in consideration to leave the site free and use google adsense to make money... or use booth methods