How long is the longest passenger train?

Where is it? and how many passengers can it carry?


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i have seen legacy passenger trains with car totals in the 30's. and NO diesel helpers! (like it freaking should be! it worked 60 years ago every day like that!). i have yet, in all my years of railroading, to see a single unit diesel electric pull anywhere near 30 heavyweight/smoothside passengers cars (loaded!!!). and at speed! and this was no masive steamer either.

if you want length, 32 cars @ 80' per = 2560'.... right at 1/2 mile long. pus 100' more for the loco and tender.


I can't tell you what are the longest in the world, but a contender must be the Class 373 'Eurostar' electric train sets used on the Channel Tunnel services between the UK and France/Belgium. There are 31 complete trains, each consisting of two 'half sets'. These consist of ten vehicles, with a driving cab at one end, and thus two sets are coupled back-to back to form a complete train of 20 vehicles, 2583 feet four inches (787.44 metres) long overall, and providing 206 First Class seats and 544 Standard Class. A complete train weighs 1632.2 tonnes, and has a power rating of 32,800 hp (24,480 kw). Top speed is 186 mph (300km/h)


well i would think the amtrak auto train could good conteder
as they have about 16 passengers car plus the car carreirs


I real don't know but I would like to but they must be pretty long cause iv seen so long ones and those weren't ment to be long


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