How about rookie of the year competition by two players on the same team?

from what i've seen the 2 best rookies have been playing in cleveland


@BK.. how intelligent of you lol


Favorite Answer

Cavs had them in 1986, too.
Ron Harper and Brad Daugherty.
Kids this year are good too.

Lakers for a 3-Peat?2012-01-04T03:09:02Z

Maybe, but I doubt it. I think Irving will win the award, and I don't think Thompson, even though he looks like a good player, will finish in the top 5 for voting. I think Markief Morris, Norris Cole, MarShon Brooks, Kemba Walker, and Ricky Rubio have all played better than Thompson so far.


Cleveland sucks


Rubio and D-Will could do it as well. were only 5 games in the season things can change dramatically


well see if thompson can continue but he did play great tonight

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