Why won't my girlfriend let me name my son Kratos?

For years now, I have wanted to name my first born son after the video game character, Kratos, from the God of War series. Long story short, he's a bad ***; kills Greek gods and such. My girlfriend is not a fan of the idea, and I would like to know why.


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Make sure she isn't a fangirl, ask her if it would be ok to name him " master chief" if she's cool with that then she's an xbot


Are you crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????
Τhis is silly!!! Would you ever name your son "State"? So why will you name him "Kratos"?
That's what kratos means in Greece... And after all this ancient figure was a bad one. There is no
need in naming the kid like this. There are maaaaaaaaaany great greek names, with a nice story:

Alexander -> it means that the boy is very brave
Apollo -> the god of music
but no no no Kratos! Imagine what will happen when he comes in Greece...

Do you still have doubts why your girlfriend doesn't want to name the boy like this?


I love Kratos, and yeah, he is a bad ***, but for a name now-a-days? Ugh. First, you may as well name your son Zeus or Hades. Even without knowing anything about Greek mythology or older names people will know: 1. it's not normal 2. it's old sounding/weird sounding.

That's why she doesn't like it @.@


Imagine him going for a job interview and introducing him self.
You could look at other greek gods and titans for a compromise.Atlas is a good one the Titan who had to carry the world


Kratos? Really? You're a loser and I guess you want your son to be one too. Stupidest name I have ever heard in my life. She should dump you for that.

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