What is the best advice you have ever been given?

Anything at all. Whether it was meant soley for you or not.
From a parent/friend/book/song


Who was it from?


Favorite Answer

My mother told me a long time ago to be nice to all people. Not because they are nice ,but because I am. I have lived it. She taught manners and politeness. I get it. I could be mean and devastating. After all I am a 7 foot muscleman. I choose to be nice as she would be proud of.


My Mother told me to buy a house.
Which at the time i was scared to do because i hate debt.
But in two years i made 70 thousand dollars profit on it


Don't try and fix what ISN'T broken :))
Best advice I've ever gotten. Works in many situations other than the obvious.


Everybody wants to be happy
Nobody wants to be in pain
But how can you have a rainbow,
Without any rain?

Miss Misery2012-01-05T09:49:22Z

A good friend once introduced me to this quote. I find myself giving this advice to people I care about...

“Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”
― Maya Angelou

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