Can anybody help me identify a saint?

I got a statue from my uncle for Christmas and he didn't know what saint was depicted. Anybody who does know or who could direct me to a place where I could find out would be appreciated. Here's a photo for reference:


The thing in his hand is a church I think. Sorry, that's probably not too helpful.

You know what else isn't helpful? Defining "saint" for me. It's not really pertinent to the question at all.

『  』2012-01-05T21:40:52Z

Favorite Answer

It looks like Saint Basil the Great.


It is St. Ambrose.

Ambrose (Bishop), often shown with SS Gregory, Jerome, and/or Augustine or holding a church in his hand, sometimes arguing with a pagan. Other symbols: bees, beehive, dove, ox, pen. (Doc) (LS)

I thought that it was a book at first.

Pax Christi


it would help in case you gave us the link to the photograph. i attempted googling mastiffs yet would desire to no longer discover a photo similiar to the single you're describing EDIT: this is a white english mastiff named Snow White. this is merely a puppy, that's why there is that this form of massive actual distinction between it and the fawn english mastiff to the left.

Funky Bird, the Jewish Pastafarian2012-01-05T18:55:39Z

I can't; sorry. It's quite interesting-looking, though. Perhaps you could take it to a priest, who might be able to identify it?


moses, ooops didn't see the mitre.

Your details:

Pope Gregory, the Great.


He looks just that male yahoo avatar face that has a beard like that.

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