How does the facebook "wall" work?

Some time ago I received a message from a friend and responded, and was surprised to get more responses from other people. It turns out that everything you say seems to be public. I'm glad that conversation wasn't too personal... Does this mean everything I post goes on everyone's walls that I am friends with?

If I'm playing facebook games and it posts information, does it post to everyone, or just game friends, or only on my wall? I've been playing games lately and I notice my wall is looking pretty spammy, and it gets hard to distinguish real messages from all that game crap that keeps appearing. Will it look this way to my other facebook friends who don't play games, or just to me?

If you have real game requests from neighbors, you have to post something, so I don't want to block game posts completely. Is there a way I can eliminate a lot of the junk posts from games, though, or make it so that only others playing the same game can see it?


Favorite Answer

First, yes the public is able to see your conversation on your wall. But, you can set your privacy settings so only some people(your friends) can see the conversation, not just random people. This can be done by going to the privacy settings and clicking on friends only.

Facebook games only posts on your wall if you have a high score or something. You are able to post on other peoples wall if you beat someones score or something. You don't have to post about games on your wall, only if you want to, so your other friends don't think your the only one playing.

You can't exactly make the game posts able to show to only the people who play it. It's either the public or friends only. You can specifically block certain people from seeing it if you want. This can also be done in the privacy settings, or when you click on the little arrow next to the wall post.

Hope this helps!


Wouldn't it be the other way around? Where they had to pay Facebook? But. Ha! Dumbazzes. Hey, at least they're not Americans this time! Before I clicked on the link, I was 99% sure that little ol' 'Facebook' would be a Floridian.


k everyones facebook is different depending on how much friends you have. if you want to talk to her without others knowing then message her or talk to her on chat. when u post something on her wall anyone can see the post by just looking at her profile by clicking her name or typing her name on the search bar. they can also see the post on the news feed.