Why do all Yahoo groups say "Questions are currently unavailable."?

At the bottom of the Yahoo Groups' home pages there's an optional link to Yahoo Answers. In the past it has always shown recent questions that match the topic covered by each individual Yahoo Group. For weeks now it always says "Questions are currently unavailable". This is not true. Yahoo Answers is up and running.

For my great pyrenees groups, recent questions asked which include the words great pyrenees should show in the list on the group homepage for those questions. Tonight I checked ALL my groups from dogs to canning to several other groups. ALL the groups say "Questions are currently unavailable" but I see questions at YA that match the groups I'm in, but those questions are not showing like they used to.

What's wrong?
When is Yahoo going to repair this problem?


I wish your link was a solution, but it does NOT allow for my question. You have a set list of things you can ask about, and the link from the group to YA is NOT in the list, nor do they have an option for "other"

So, I cannot use the link after all. I wish it would work but it doesn't.


Favorite Answer

It's a repair Yahoo has to do
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