no matter what I do I smell like poop and it's destroying me life?

my name is jenny I'm a 16 year old girl in the 11th grade , i smell really bad , i know i do, and can tell by people's body language , and everytime i sit by someone , they dont say my name but they say something like ''it stinks'' ''who farted'' '' who sh*t themselves'' , i shower twice a day , once in the morning and once at night , i scrub really hard while in the shower and wash everything, i wash my body 3 times when i shower , i use shampoo , shower gel , lotion , deoterant , perfume , clean clothes , anything i can think of but i still smell bad , i cant smell myself , but everyone else can , i dont really know when i started to smell bad but i first started to notice it in 4th grade , im now in 11th , my house is clean , and ive read online that maybe certain ethnic groups have smells that may smell bad to other people but im hispanic and my house smells like ever other latino home and no one in my family smells bad or has this problem , i dont eat healthy but i dont eat unhealthy either , im about 120 pounds , i think i may have some sort of disease , i tried talking to my mom about it and my cousins but they all say they dont smell anything , but i can tell by there body language they do , i know this isnt all in my head because i can see people trying to cover up there noses when im in the room and people always say stuff likee '' it smells like sh*t'' and i can hear people talking about me and ive over heard people saying i stink and everytime im around little kids they say ''you stink'' or ''you smell bad'' my breathe smells bad too , i chew gum to try and cover up the smell and it works most of the time but on bad days it doesnt , i brush my teeth 4 times in the morning and at night and use mouth wash , this smell has destroyed my confidence and self esteem , i spend hours doing my hair and make up everyday so i can feel good about my myself, i have friends and a boyfriend but i dont see how i have friends or how i have a bf , ive had a lot of boyfriends and ive always felt like i was never good enough for any of them, my bf says im beautiful and that he loves me , but i feel like he could do a lot better, i feel disgusting , i try and make myself feel better by doing drugs and drinking and partying , flirting with a lot of different guys ( i have no idea why they would wanna flirt with me) and having sex ( i wonder why ANYBODY would ever wanna have sex with me ) this desease , or whatever it is , is ruining my life , i need help , and im considering suicide , i dont know how much longer i can deal with this , i have chronic depression and take anti-depressants but they dont seem to help , if anybody has any information to what this ''thing'' i have is or might be called plz comment , or maybe has a way to get rid of the smell or anybody who may be dealing with the same thing and just wants to talkk ( id really like someone to talk to) or anything at all the may help just comment , anythings ok i guess , just plz no rude comments , im really sensative about this


Favorite Answer

Honey I think alot of this is in your head. I doubt you smell that bad in reality. People in high school are very mean and abusive. High school is NOT the end of the world, you need to be more self confident and maybe talk to a doctor about this issue. You may need prescription deoderant or maybe take some vitamins that makes your stool (poop) not have a smell to it. There are over the counter drugs available that will make your stool oderless. Maybe try mouth wash and feminine deoderant spray FDS or Summers Eve and wear deoderant body spray. Also douche regularly and try taking a BATH instead of a shower. Baths help get up in there to get you clean. Sometimes women need to fill the tub with water and get feminine wash and let yourself soak good, I take 1 -1 1/2 hour baths! Really! But dont committ suicide hun, talk to a suicide help line or go to a school counseler about the bullying you are getting, its abusive. You are young and going through puberty and this can be a very rough time in your life. Dont let them win. Be strong and talk to a trusted adult.Good luck!


Hi Jenny, this breaks my heart hearing this. I find it a shame that people today are so cruel and cold hearted, have no sympathy and in some cases cant even empathize. Listen, I can tell by your choice of words that you are a very beautiful person both inside and out. I have a daughter she is 18, very beautiful girl, not just saying that because she is my daughter, she is in fact a model for Hollister on whats called staff of Hollister, yet I know she struggles with people hating on her and find things, any little thing to make a big deal. OK perhaps you do have a smell thats different, everybody does to some degree, that's whats makes us individuals. One of the hardest things to learn for me as an only child growing up who considered myself a good guy, was that everybody will not like me, I struggled with that for so many years..For whatever reason I turned to drugs, I don't know why, other than I am an addictive person and somewhat depressed as well. I had many hard lessons and hurt myself permanently in my now older days. Drugs wont help, I promise, the results of drugs is always the same, jails deaths and institutions.. Another thing that wont help is disrespecting your body. If in fact you do have a smell that lets just say is unique, its only a inconvenience for now, don't go doing things that makes it a chronic problem. You have a boy friend because you are love worthy and don't let anybody ever tell you different. Its not you at all, its the fools in the world who has to put others down to feel better about themselves. Trust me, if you had a horrible smell, someone would be giving you feedback that is constructive rather than critical. I have read some good advice from others too and don't think you should throw a bunch of perfume on, be natural and love who you are and those who love you..


i have your same problem since many years, i've seen many doctors and most of them tried to make me believe it was all in my head only because they didn't know what to do about it...anyhow long story short i came to the conclusion that (after researching over and over the years) there could be two reasons: it's either a condition called anismus which is when the muscles in the rectum don't work correctly as they should, so they contract instead of relax when defecating, in result part of the stool gets trapped in the rectum and cause the smell; another condition is calle rectal intusseption (the spelling might not be correct but you can google it and read about it) in this case the rectum kinda collapse partially and turn in a funnel like shape near the sphincter also causing some of the stool to get trapped somewhere inside, also resulting in producing the poop smell that doesn't go away no matter how hard and long you wash yourself; i can't tell the reason why everyone else around can smell it but me, but one thing is for sure that it is not just in my head, after a while i can actually smell it too and this has changed my life completely; it feels like I'm cursed with a decease that doesn't hurt physically but destroys my self esteem, my social life, my career and my love life as well; trust me many times i get so depressed about it that suicide seems like the only way out of this problem, but thankfully (or not..?) there's always a little glimpse of hope that one day i will find a cure once for all; could definitely use a good real chat with someone who is in my same shoes since the few close people i tried to open up to only denied acknowledging my situation, probably because they thought it would help, when instead it just frustrated me even more. So if anyone out there knows what I'm talking about please come forward and maybe together we can help each other somehow.


I hope you found a solution to your problem. But I been going through problems with smelling bad. Just started happening to me this year. All my co-workers turn against me and stop talking to me. They would either hold there nose when walking pass me or cough at me really loud. I don't understand because I shower and use deodorant all the time but something in my body must have change. Before this happen people would tell me how good I smell. Now all I hear is how bad I smell. I can't smell it so I don't know exactly what people smell when they are near me. I know it's not in my head because random people I don't know would walk pass me then start coughing really loud. This problem has cause me to isolate myself. I stay home and don't go anywhere unless I really have to. Going to work is like torture for me. I constantly get made fun of all day long at work. I call off work so much because of this i know i am close to getting fired from missing work. Don't know what else to do.


Poop Smells

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