what makes a man choose a woman 30 years younger than him? mid-life crisis?

some men go for very young women same as some women go for really old men that look as if they are their child instead of partner. What makes them want to do that?


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younger woman pick older men because there more mature, than guys there own age, woman mature much faster than men. i hate to admit that. they are tired of being used, or treated like second class citizens, or a piece of meat. they want security. however men pick younger women because they want to relive there youth again, they are insecure about there looks or status in life, uncomfortable with there age, or trying to get revenge for someone who has hurt them or left them in a failed marriage. it is almost never for love, with that many years, age difference. the younger woman is a trophy piece, like a sport car, they own it but don't know how to handle it


What makes a man choose a woman 30 years younger than him? I would think that it would be the fact that she has chosen him too. It must be quite a flattering feeling and ego-boost to receive any kind of attention from a woman that much younger. Perhaps there is a greater connection between the two of them that others are not able to see on the surface. Love is found where it is found. The choice to act upon that love exists between the two parties for reasons others will never know.


The younger women, known as 'trophy' girlfriends and wives, do it because they are interested in the money, success and sexual experience of the older man. Some also do it because they're neglected by their own father and need a father figure in their life. Gross, I know.

The older men, known as 'cradle snatchers', do it because, in general, younger women are more attractive, tighter, fresher, more energetic, bubbly, etc. and most older men that you've described like having a 'trophy' girlfriend or wife.

The same goes for 'cougars' (older women that date younger men). The common age for the peak in sexual arousal for women comes in their mid-life (30s to 40s), and younger men, 'boy-toys', reach their peak in sexual arousal in their teens to mid-twenties.


I think for the man..it is a mid-life crisis. However, for the woman, I think it is more like the case of looking for someone who can protect her and give her financial security (as is perceived from old age).


Younger women like older men for money...and older men like younger women for the company.

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