Accidentally took 2000mg acetominophin in 40 minutes?

I took 2 extra strength Tylenol (1000 mg total) and then about 40 minutes later I blanked and accidentally took it again. That was half an hour ago. Now my chest is starting to hurt and I feel nauseous. Is this related to taking that much Tylenol or random timing? If it is, what should I do?

Note I'm pretty small so medicines tend to affect me pretty quickly and strongly.


Favorite Answer

You'll be fine. The pain is from anxiety. Your liver will metabolize it. Drinking extra water will not help. Make sure you eat enough food, though. Getting hungry gives your liver extra work to do (glycolysis), which you don't want to do for 24 hours. And no alchol for 48 hours. Zero alcohol.

If you are 90 pounds, you are 40 kilograms. A toxic dose is 200 mg/kg of body weight, which works out to 8,000 mg. No more tylenol for 8 hours.

You'll be fine. The pain and nausea are from anxiety. Please ignore the fools who tell you to call 911. 3000 mg a day is still considered a therapeutic dose.


U having to vomit is more than likely related to the amount u took. If u can, its best to allow urself to vomit to get rid of some of the medication u took. U won't die, but be careful of the amount of tylenol u consume. U should not take more than abt 4000/ day. And also keep in mind that tylenol causes other medical issues such as stomach ulcers etc...just make urself puke if u can, ull feel better when u do


You should take no more than 8 tabs in 24 hours. Or no more than 2 to 4 tabs every 4 to 6 hours.


You are obviously worried about this and any answer received here will not really put your mind at ease or convince you that you are going to die from an overdose.

Perhaps you should call poison control (the experts) and they can give you the real scoop.


Call 1 800-222-1222 it's national poison control hotline, ask them what you should do. I know a overdose of some pain meds will mess up your liver.

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