Mom-to-be says she wants to breastfeed but...?

The baby won't be allowed to wake at night since she has to go to work. She expects a newborn to go 8+ hours at night without nursing and will just "let the baby cry". Thoughts?


There won't be a sitter. She and her husband will be sleeping all night while the baby cries in hunger? I know people say things when they are pregnant but that just sounds cruel.


I'm so worried the baby will get dehydrated, SIDS, hae emotional trauma. I don't know what to do.

One Day at a Time2012-01-13T22:18:01Z

Favorite Answer

Wow thats disscusting! Although I don't see what it has to do with breastfeeding, if she was formula feeding she would still need to get up and feed the baby...

The best solution would be for her to co-sleep so she wouldn't have to really "wake up" to feed the baby. In any case I hope she doesn't go through with this plan, it vey well could kill her baby....


Ha ha, One thing I have learned over and over and over again is that women talk big about what they ARE GOING TO DO when they have their babies, but it all gets thrown out the window when the baby is really here and things don't ever go as planned.

My other thought, no of course babies don't sleep 8 hours when they are newborns, many don't even sleep 8 hours when they are months old. She will either need to pump and the sitter can feed the baby, or the baby will be supplemented with formula.

Don't worry, she'll eat a lot of her words after she delivers.

Kari M2012-01-14T12:18:55Z

Waking up to feed a baby at night has nothing to do with breastfeeding or formula feeding. The baby needs to be fed, and probably every 2-3 hours throughout the night. My twins are 5 mos old and they still wake up twice at night to be fed. Tell her to take a reality check, or better give up the baby for adoption to someone who actually wants a child.

MRS J2012-01-14T04:52:34Z

She is delusional! All babies will wake at night til they learn to sleep through, some take longer than others! The baby will need to be fed when it wakes while it is still young, or its blood glucose level will drop and it could get very sick! If this is her attitude toward having a baby then perhaps she shouldn't have gotten pregnant...


If she is really letting newborn baby go 8 hours without feeding and is letting baby cry it out I would call cps. That's neglect.

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