Are all Taurus men lazy.?

My husband of 18 yrs, "forgets" to fix things, "forgets" when I ask him to do something. He goes to work everyday, but that's about it.


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No, because astrology is illogical and wrong.

Think about it, how would your date of birth and positions of stars in space effect ones personality? I'm guessing you're American.


There is nothing FACT about zodiac signs and such things.....and you can't base someones personality on a damn zodiac sign. There maybe two or three things that stick out about the person that makes it appear as though the signs are "real" but I believe in the saying "According to your faith so be it unto YOU." If you believe in that sort of stuff, that is what will become a reality to you.

Moreover, Earth signs are portrayed as being down to earth and hardworking---meaning Virgo, Taurus and Capricorns. But as I cited earlier, I wouldn't put so much faith in these signs. If he is 18 years of age and he is "lazy" as you call it, it may only get worse. Maybe he just needs some if you are nagging him (I am not saying that you are), maybe try a different route.

Kaya M2012-01-16T20:23:02Z

Maybe you need to sit down with him and talk about what he forgets so often.


Ou need to stop putting faith in made up horoscopes.

This is a personal problem with your hubby.the stars have nothing to do with it.


No, it has nothing to do with the time of the year he was born. He's just lazy.

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