What sort of long distance call is this?

I have a friend who is overseas in Africa. She uses a phone with a California area code. I am unsure as to whether this is considered national long distance since the phone number is a California number, or if it is international because of the physical location.


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If she is using a cell phone that has a California number then for you it is considered a national long distance call. However for her, unless she has made prior arrangements, she is paying roaming charges along with her regular cell phone charges.


I know of 2 possible reasons.

I had a similar issue with one of my friend's phone numbers. Although he called me from completely different country from his cell, I often received an unknown local number. No idea why. The reading was simply sometimes wrong.

There is a possibility that your friend payed for a phone number in the USA, and is using that number to call through the internet.

Maybe some other way I couldn't think of, simplest is to ask your friend.


More than likely, it will be an international call due the the physical location. It does not matter on what the area code is.