Will you believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one?


Bill Moyers said he would finally.


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NO .Corporations are operated by people but so is my car .Do you think my car is a person? I do not , and never will.


I have worked for a corporation that died. The cause of death was suicide brought on by a bad case of depression that oil prices were rising too rapidly. I worked for Trans World Airlines for about 12 years, starting in 1989 until the company realized that the rising cost of fuel was too great and the company declared bankruptcy in 2001.
That particular corporation was once owned by a rapist. His name was Carl Icahn, and so long as he was at the helm, lots of employees felt like they were getting raped ... by the company, not by just one man.
I have seen other airlines get married to each other. Delta airlines (the "groom") married Northwest Airlines (the "bride"), and the latter took the former's name. Continental and United also got married.
I have seen the US Supreme Court declaring that the 14th Amendment guarantees the rights of corporations in cases LOOOOONG before the Citizens' United decision of the recent past. Look up BMW of North America, Inc. v. Gore, a 1996 decision that a big, multinational corporation was being charged excessive punitive damage awards in a lawsuit that the company lost. And case law goes way back even further than that, even into the early 20th Century.

But if you are really, really, really upset about the theory that corporations have ANY constitutional rights at all, and should ONLY be, in the eyes of the courts of laws, inhuman monsters, please sign this petition, ....

Edit: Yep. Interesting coincidence, Banshee.


A corporation is a person by federal law.

US CODE TITLE 18 § 2510
(6) “person” means any employee, or agent of the United States or any State or political subdivision thereof, and any individual, partnership, association, joint stock company, trust, or CORPORATION;

US CODE TITLE 26 § 7701
(1) Person
The term “person” shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation.

US CODE TITLE 18 § 921
(1) The term "person" and the term "whoever" include any
individual, corporation, company, association, firm, partnership,
society, or joint stock company.

The list goes on and on. People seem to refuse how rigged federal law really is.


No. I already know that they are legal persons for certain purposes. One of those purposes is direct taxation, so be careful what you wish for.

Mark, you worked for TWA? So did my uncle (now retired).



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