Have we really achieved racial equality?

In America, whites have 26 times the wealth of African-Americans. So says census data.

Not 26% more. Not twice as much. Twenty six times as much. Specifically, the median household wealth (net worth) for white, non-hispanic housholds in 2009 was $149,900, and the median household wealth for African-Americans was $5,677.

These numbers confirm just how hard the Great Recession has whacked minority households.

But there is a deeper issue. Can someone please explain to me how, in a country where we are told again and again that we are “all created equal,” after 150 years, one group ends up with 26 times more capital resources than the other?

MLK’s dream was that his four young children would “one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” What are we supposed to think – that one group has twenty six times as much character as another?

Have we really achieved racial equality?

When answering, please identify the state where you were born.

Secular Humanist2012-01-18T13:31:04Z

Favorite Answer

In law, yes. In reality, no.


I'm from the Great state of Texas!

You're confused a bit, what King wanted (and we do have now) is social equality, the rest is up to each individual to make it or not in this great country.

How do you explain that some minorities earn above national averges?


No, I have a dream that one day my son will live in a world where everyone walks quickly when they are crossing the road in front of my car.

What if I'm not paying attention here??? Then what happens!?!?!

I will admit though...I think, man...that guy's unflappable!



Blacks will never have economic or any other kind of equality with whites until they learn that to get respect you have to give respect and in order to get out of the ghetto you have to get an education and work hard instead of pimping their women, selling drugs, robbing stores and sitting on their butts and popping out babies with nameless fathers to get welfare and ADC.


I'm from indiana and lawfully yes we are equal, but we will always have personal prejudices.

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